Tuesday 6 December 2011

Friday 25 November 2011




Wednesday 23 November 2011

Coming to a stage au Vélum...

- superkultur

Saturday 19 November 2011

Nous ne sommes rien sans l'un et l'autre

Velum life is a daily treat for us all. Unfortunately, Canadian's out of town this weekend, but we have tried to get by without her. Went to the market, bought some prune jam, strawberries, then this afternoon I went a bit O.C.-Marissa Cooper and took too many paracetamols in too little a time-span and went all 'Chewbacca' apparently. Luckily for me, Superkultur and Britilicious were there to see me out of my accidental high and everything was okay for an hour or so until I gave myself indigestion dancing to Robyn.

- Gurrrl

drug addiction

What's a Vienna?

- superkultur

Thursday 17 November 2011

fumer interdit


Is this, France, going to make me quit smoking?

... no.

- superkultur

Sunday 13 November 2011

qui suis-je..

Vital stats. The team V.E.

Superkultur: the lone testosterone. Hobbies: stitchin' and bitchin', dutch soaps, Ellen and Robyn.

Sucre Daddy: the Canadian. Hobbies: Canadian politics, Canadian history, Canadian music, Canadian icons, Canadian landscapes, Canadian terminology.

Britilicious: lurks and pounces. Hobbies: Yorkshire Tea, The O.C., not Orleans, cardigans, cats.

Chicalita: heartbreaker. Hobbies: Catalan traditions, running, going out 'til four in the morning, being followed (stalked) by adoring students, being babes.

Gurrrl: limited vocabulary. Hobbies: tea parties, cats, Stitch-Mistress, cats, faux-fur, cats, muesli, cats. [incredible].

Wham. Bam. Merci, Madame.

This afternoon, we're going to the rugby.

Yesterday, we went to Biscarosse. A view in Biscarosse... Superkultur spent 60 euros here, in less than 12 hours. He once spent the same amount of money over five days in Poland.
We were actually trying to spend a day at the beach, but it turns out buses don't exist at weekends there, only on Mondays and Wednesdays. So after an hour on the train to Ychoux, half an hour on the bus to Biscarosse, we decided to find the 'lac'. Henri - who no longer wishes to lunch with his wife - also the only kind French person - gave us directions to the lake. We'd already spent a good twenty minutes following a never-ending path, but Henri told us to 'traversez le pont et tournez a gauche'. Turns out, the 'pont' is a highway and 'a gauche' means WTF Henri. Anyway, through nettles, brambles, pines, mud, wet grass.. we eventually found four square metres of paradise. Superkultur lifted up a tree.
We napped.
After the worst remortgage-the-house-expensive lunch, we went to the cinema.
TIN TIN is now Sucre Daddy's boyfriend.
We napped again.
Also bought KitKat balls, which melted Chicalita's tongue. Not in a good way.
We all had bellyaches before killing an hour in Super U. Super U "smelled of the female anatomy" - Superkultur, but was actually pretty super.
"I really liked Super U, I'm not going to lie. It had a British section!" - Britlicious - (who basically ransacked Devon for its Ambrosia and also stocked up on Heinz baked beans.)
"Heinz actually could be a name of a husband...." - Superkultur.

We met some Morcenx locals, who had spent a day in Ychoux. This is Ychoux,

Wish you were here?

We came back, and had a Catalonian MEGAfeast.
It was "incredible" - Gurrrl.

Das wer's.

Peace out.
The V.E. Team.

Saturday 5 November 2011

on commence.

it's samedi.

we're sat talking to hugo on skype and we've just set this monster up.

it will become the best part of your week.